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What to Do If You Get a Ticket for Driving without a License


Being able to drive a car is a privilege that comes with certain responsibilities. In the United States, one of those responsibilities is having a valid driver’s license, and that applies to every state.

Driving without a valid license is a violation of California Vehicle Code Section 12500. If you received a traffic citation for driving without a valid license, contact the California traffic ticket attorneys at Fight My Ticket today for a free consultation. Fill out the form or call us at 1-800-655-7505.

Common Types Of License Violations

Driving without a valid license can be broken into two parts. It can be driving without a valid license, or it can be driving without the proof of a license. The difference between the two is significant, with the second offense being lesser.

There are different reasons for why you may get pulled over without a license. Maybe you left the house without your wallet. Or maybe you forgot to renew your license. If you get pulled over without a license, the end result will be either an infraction or a misdemeanor, depending on the circumstances. 

There are a couple of very common tickets having to do with your driver’s license. If you get pulled over and you have a valid driver’s license but you just don’t have it on you at the time, that is a fixable violation that requires you to take your license to the DMV or a court clerk.

Another type of citation is when you do not actually have a valid license. The reasons for this could be:

  • You didn’t renew your license
  • You never got a license
  • You’re not eligible to get a license
  • You have a driver’s license that’s not valid in California
  • Your license is suspended

This type of ticket has a mandatory court date at which you have to appear. In order to prove that you are guilty of this crime, the prosecutor must prove that you:

  • Drove a vehicle on a highway (this includes streets);
  • While driving you did not have a valid California driver’s license;
  • You were not excused from having a California driver’s license

Defenses To Driving Without A License

Depending on the circumstances, there are different ways an attorney can defend your driving without a license charge. Perhaps you have a valid license, but it’s from a different state. If that’s the circumstance, then you are not in violation of the law. As long as you’re not a California resident you do not need a California license. 

Penalties For Driving Without A License

Driving without a license is a “wobbler” offense, meaning it can be charged as an infraction or a misdemeanor. If it’s charged as an infraction, the maximum penalty is a $250 fine. If it’s charged as a misdemeanor then the maximum penalty is six months in jail and $1,000 fine. 

Contact a California Traffic Ticket Attorney

There are different instances that can get you a no license citation. Sometimes the thought of having to wait at the DMV for hours in order to renew our driver’s license makes you procrastinate for so long that you end up with an expired license. Sometimes you simply may have forgot to grab your wallet while leaving your house. Other times you might not have realized that your license has been suspended. Whatever the case, our attorneys can help. If you received a misdemeanor we can negotiate with the prosecution to lower your offense to an infraction.

If you received a traffic citation for driving without a valid license, contact the California traffic ticket attorneys at Fight My Ticket today for a free consultation. Fill out the form or call us at 1-800-655-7505.

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